Cosmetic Dentistry - Newton, MA

Completely Customize Your Smile

The Chance to Begin Again

When your teeth become stained, broken, gapped or worn, the beauty and confidence can disappear from your smile. Through a customized, progressive series of cosmetic dentistry treatments, you can bring them both back. In fact, you can completely remake your smile to your liking. 

Under the skilled hands of Dr. Noah Orenstein, a smile makeover in Newton, MA is nothing less than a full transformation of your smile esthetics.

As a surgically trained, board-certified prosthodontist, Dr. Noah Orenstein has a deep understanding of the entire oral and facial anatomy. Few know better how to restore a healthy, youthful look in addition to normal function after decay, damage, or aging have taken their toll. Upon finishing dental school, he embarked on a three-year advanced specialty degree in Prosthodontics and Implant Surgery while also completing his Master’s degree in Facial Esthetics.

With his exceptional training and eye for esthetics, he can deliver the results you desire from a smile makeover.

The Proof is in our patients

Before After
  • Cosmetic Makeover
Before After
  • Front Crowns

Select Smile Makeover Treatments

Cosmetics and dental implants are but a few of Dr. Orenstein’s prosthodontic specialty areas. This is a sampling of the services he can provide as standalone treatments or as part of your smile makeover:

Dental Implants

No tooth replacement option looks more natural or lasts as long as dental implants. With them, you can regain the function and beauty of your complete smile after losing one or even all of your teeth. Dr. Orenstein chooses your dental implant restorations to perfectly match the shade, shape, and size of surrounding teeth for a perfectly seamless smile.


With Invisalign you don’t have to settle for traditional metal braces. This innovation in orthodontics uses a series of durable plastic aligners to straighten your teeth instead of metal brackets and wires. Invisalign is like a pair of invisible braces, remaining discreet during treatment but producing highly noticeable results afterward. Dr. Orenstein is a certified Invisalign provider.

CEREC Crowns and Bridges

If your teeth have healthy roots but are decayed elsewhere, Dr. Orenstein can reinforce those teeth with artificial crowns. If you have several adjacent teeth missing, he can fill in the gap with bridges. Both will give you back the appearance and performance of your real teeth. With our in-house CEREC system, he can actually design, manufacture and place your new crowns or bridges during a single visit!

Teeth Whitening

Opalescence is a fast and effective professional teeth whitening treatment. Dr. Orenstein puts a thick gel comprised of hydrogen peroxide and potassium nitrate on your teeth several times during a single appointment. After about 90 minutes, your discolored or darkened teeth will be noticeably whiter. For your convenience, you can continue your whitening treatment at home with a special tooth whitening gel and toothpaste following your in-office treatment session.

Veneers and Lumineers®

Noticing stains, minor chips or gaps in your front “smile zone” teeth? Veneers and Lumineers are designed to conceal those flaws. Made of porcelain—which closely resembles natural tooth enamel in strength and shine—veneers and Lumineers are slender pieces of material that Dr. Orenstein places on your unsightly teeth to make them more esthetically appealing. Lumineers are thinner and don’t require you to give up any tooth enamel for a proper fit.

Ready for Full Mouth Rehabilitation?

Let’s discuss your smile makeover in a consultation!